Stepaside SHD
Strategic Housing Development

Stepaside SHD
Strategic Housing Development

Stepaside SHD
Strategic Housing Development

Stepaside Strategic Housing Development
The development will consist of;
- the construction of 118 no. residential units comprising:
- 28 no. 1-bedroom and 69 no. 2-bedroom apartments in 1 no. block ranging from 3 to 6-storeys in height;
- 10 no. 3-bedroom houses all with private amenity space;
- 11 no. 4-bedroom houses all with private amenity space;
- the provision of podium level communal open space with a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 1,454sq.m to serve the apartments in Block 1;
- the provision of 4,002 sq.m of public open space;
- the construction of a 2-storey childcare facility with a GFA of 156sq.m. with an associated play area and set-down car parking spaces;
- the provision of 153 no. on-site car parking spaces that will provide for 97 no. under podium spaces for residents of the apartment building, 10 no. visitor car-parking spaces, 42 no. in-curtilage car parking spaces for the housing units and 4 no. car-parking spaces designated for the childcare facility;
- 4 no. motorcycle parking spaces at under podium level;
- the provision of 248 no. bicycle parking spaces including 170 no. long-stay spaces, 56 no. short-stay spaces and 22 no. for use by the childcare facility;
- access will be provided via a 137m extension to the Clay Farm Loop Road and construction of local access roads to serve the development which will connect with the new section of the Clay Farm Loop Road;
- provision of 4 no. new pedestrian and cyclist links to adjoining residential development in Stepaside Park, one of which will also facilitate emergency vehicle access to Stepaside Park and access to re-configured bin-store for existing residents of The Courtyard;
- all ancillary site development works including plant, waste storage areas, landscaping, green roofs, boundary treatments, SuDS measures, ESB substation, public lighting, and solar PV panels.